インストール: ECM (Extra CMake Modules) | モダンなCMakeに必要な追加モジュール
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:8 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "ECM" (requested version 1.4.0) with any of the following names: ECMConfig.cmake ecm-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "ECM" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "ECM_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "ECM" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.
これはECM (Extra CMake Modules) というCMakeのモジュールが不足していることが原因だ。最近のCMakeを使ったプロジェクト (fcitxなど) では,ECMを採用していることが増えている。そこで,ECMをインストールする。
項目 | 説明 |
配布元 | |
リポジトリー | |
手順 | |
依存情報 | |
依存先 (必須) | |
依存先 (任意) |
依存元 |
sh -eux <<-"EOT"
PKG=extra-cmake-modules VER=5.56.0 TAG=v$VER PKG_VER=$PKG${VER:+-$VER}
LOCAL=~/.local J=$(grep -cs '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo || echo 2)
mkdir -p "$LOCAL/src"
cd "$LOCAL/src"
if command -v git >/dev/null; then
[ -e $PKG ] || git clone --depth 1 git://anongit.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules.git $PKG
cd $PKG
git fetch --depth 1 origin tag $TAG
git checkout -f $TAG
git clean -dfX
# autoreconf -i
[ -e $PKG_VER ] || wget -O $PKG_VER.tar.gz https://github.com/KDE/extra-cmake-modules/archive/v$VER.tar.gz
tar -xf $PKG_VER.*
make -kj $J distclean clean || :
# ctest -j $J
make -j $J
make -j $J install
cd "$LOCAL/stow"
echo $PKG${VER:+-}[0-9]* | xargs -n 1 stow --ignore=dir -D
stow --ignore=dir $PKG_VER
日付 | バージョン | OS | 依存関係 |
2018-04-29 | 5.44.0-rc1 | Ubuntu 16.04 | |
2019-03-27 | 5.56.0 | Ubuntu 18.04 | GNU Make 4.2.1, GCC 7.4.0, CMake 3.10.2 |
なお,v5.56.0, 5.55.0, 5.44.0などではctestで以下の2項目が失敗する。
The following tests FAILED: 10 - KDEInstallDirsTest.relative_or_absolute_usr (Failed) 11 - KDEInstallDirsTest.relative_or_absolute_qt (Failed) Errors while running CTest
ctest -v
でエラー内容の詳細を確認して判明したが,これらの2項目はディレクトリーが空になっており,テストが実行できず,make cleanに失敗しているのが原因だった。
test 10 Start 10: KDEInstallDirsTest.relative_or_absolute_usr 10: Test command: /usr/bin/ctest "--build-and-test" "/home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute" "/home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute_usr" "--build-two-config" "--build-generator" "Unix Makefiles" "--build-makeprogram" "/home/senooken/.local/bin/make" "--build-project" "relative_or_absolute_usr" "--build-options" "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr" "-DKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS=FALSE" "-DAUTOSTARTDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "-DCONFDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "-DSYSCONFDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "--test-command" "dummy" 10: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06 10: Internal cmake changing into directory: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute_usr 10: ======== CMake output ====== 10: Configuring 10: Configuring done 10: Generating 10: Generating done 10: Build files have been written to: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute 10: Configuring 10: Configuring done 10: Generating 10: Generating done 10: Build files have been written to: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute 10: ======== End CMake output ====== 10: Change Dir: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute_usr 10: 10: Run Clean Command:"/home/senooken/.local/bin/make" "clean" 10: make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop. 10: 10: Run Build Command:"/home/senooken/.local/bin/make" 10: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 10/49 Test #10: KDEInstallDirsTest.relative_or_absolute_usr ...........***Failed 0.08 sec test 11 Start 11: KDEInstallDirsTest.relative_or_absolute_qt 11: Test command: /usr/bin/ctest "--build-and-test" "/home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute" "/home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute_qt" "--build-two-config" "--build-generator" "Unix Makefiles" "--build-makeprogram" "/home/senooken/.local/bin/make" "--build-project" "relative_or_absolute_qt" "--build-options" "-DKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS=TRUE" "-DPLUGINDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "-DQMLDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "-DQTQCHDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "-DQTPLUGINDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "-DQTQUICKIMPORTSDIR_should_be_absolute=TRUE" "--test-command" "dummy" 11: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06 11: Internal cmake changing into directory: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute_qt 11: ======== CMake output ====== 11: Configuring 11: Configuring done 11: Generating 11: Generating done 11: Build files have been written to: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute 11: Configuring 11: Configuring done 11: Generating 11: Generating done 11: Build files have been written to: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute 11: ======== End CMake output ====== 11: Change Dir: /home/senooken/.local/src/extra-cmake-modules/tests/KDEInstallDirsTest/relative_or_absolute_qt 11: 11: Run Clean Command:"/home/senooken/.local/bin/make" "clean" 11: make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop. 11: 11: Run Build Command:"/home/senooken/.local/bin/make" 11: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 11/49 Test #11: KDEInstallDirsTest.relative_or_absolute_qt ............***Failed 0.13 sec
“インストール: ECM (Extra CMake Modules) | モダンなCMakeに必要な追加モジュール” に対して1件のコメントがあります。